Operations that can be performed with diagrams.

The following operations can be performed with diagrams:

Add and delete data series using the Chart Wizard or from the chart context menu with the Source Data command. It is also possible to use a key, drag the data onto the constructed diagram with the mouse.

To change the “edit” data in the chart and on the worksheet – using the Parameter Selection tool (if the data on which the chart is built is expressed through a formula).

Rearrange the data series on the chart (this applies mainly to histogram-type charts).

Insert text anywhere in the diagram – select the diagram, and then enter the necessary text in the formula bar, which can be towed throughout the diagram and formatted as an inscription.

Edit, format and add various chart elements – using the context menu for the required chart object.

To change the spatial orientation of three–dimensional diagrams – select the diagram and use the Diagram/Three-dimensional View menu command, you can also click on the end of any coordinate axis – “black crosses” will appear, and then holding the mouse on one of them, change the location of the three-dimensional diagram in space.

Add various graphic objects using the Drawing toolbar buttons, or using the Insert/Drawing menu commands.

You can adjust the axes and select the scale using the context menu for this axis.

Build composite charts (different types of graphs in the same coordinate system) using non-standard chart types.

Change chart types by selecting the Chart Type command from the context menu.

Create hand–drawn diagrams (instead of color fill – drawings). In this case, you need to select some data series and use the Format Data Series context menu command for it.

Link the text on the diagram to the cells of the worksheet.

Create charts based on structured data.

Use charts to analyze data, i.e. build personal trend lines and make forecasts.

Plotting of functions and surfaces.