Operations that can be performed with diagrams.

The following operations can be performed with diagrams:

Add and delete data series using the Chart Wizard or from the chart context menu with the Source Data command. It is also possible to use a key, drag the data onto the constructed diagram with the mouse.

To change the “edit” data in the chart and on the worksheet – using the Parameter Selection tool (if the data on which the chart is built is expressed through a formula).

Rearrange the data series on […]


We will assume that the functions whose graphs we need to build are always located in columns. Moreover, in column a, let there be the values of the variable x, and in columns B, C … the values of the functions f1.f2,… respectively.

Excel has a special chart type called “graph”.

With it, you can plot the dependence of data in a column (for example, In) on the line number. Regardless of which category axis labels we set. (Even if the values […]

Plotting functions and planes in Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is the leading spreadsheet program. Spreadsheets allow you to process numbers and text, set formulas and functions for automatic execution, forecast a budget based on a scenario, present data in the form of diagrams, publish worksheets on the Internet, etc. In this regard, the computer is one of the means of applying the most important of the principles of learning — visibility. The application of this program forms and develops imaginative, visual, spatial thinking, which facilitates the task […]

TurboDraw Graphic Editor

TurboDraw is a raster graphics editor with which you can create various images. The program has a user-friendly interface and basic drawing tools, such as: brush, pencil, spray, fill and erase. The program is, in fact, a whole package of application software, as it includes, in addition to the raster image editor, also a number of auxiliary programs, which will be described below.

The program has built-in support for two types of its own format, and it is also possible to […]

Scientific and Technological Autumn in Yerevan: from machine learning and AI innovations to game development and biotechnology 3.6

From September to November, Armenia will host several forums, conferences and exhibitions dedicated to the popularization of science and modern technologies: artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, bioengineering and game development. Naked Science tells you about the most important events of the Yerevan techno-autumn.

This year it is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the study of Mars, so a significant part of the speeches, in particular the entire program on September 7-8, is devoted to the history of exploration and […]

What is a digital identity, how to gain control over it and is it possible to become anonymous 4.8

The Internet has changed the world not only for the better. Digitalization of everything and everything has led to the uncontrolled dissemination of information, much of which would previously have remained strictly private. It’s not just about “scandals, intrigues and investigations”, which with varying success help to bring unscrupulous citizens to justice. The trouble is that most people have lost control of their personal data. Naked Science understands whether it is possible to return it, whether it will be possible […]

The recipe for consciousness: can humans and robots dream of the same 5.0

In the XXI century, the question of the nature of consciousness will become one of the key ones. Previously, only philosophers asked them, and life went on as usual, but technology is changing a lot: now we are creating artificial intelligence models that successfully pretend to be personalities. We need scientific judgments about the mind, feelings and consciousness of machines, animals and people, as this affects the system of rights and morals, our actions in relation to them and directly […]

Malware: how to protect yourself 3.7

Previously, children were taught to wash their hands before eating and not to trust strangers, now — not to download dubious programs from the Internet and not to open spam. Digital hygiene in the modern world is even more important than a locked door at night. To commit a cybercrime, you do not need to get into the house, it is enough to get into a smartphone. Naked Science investigates what malware is and how to protect yourself from it.

The […]

Hackers have learned to use the touch screen at a distance of 5.3

Electromagnetic radiation allows you to simulate finger tapping and other commands for the touchscreen without approaching it.

Developers from the University of Florida demonstrated a prototype of the system, which they themselves compared to an “invisible finger”. In fact, it is able to remotely send commands to a smartphone, tablet or other device with a touch screen, using invisible electromagnetic waves. The novelty is being demonstrated at the Black Hat cybersecurity forum taking place in Las Vegas. Details about it are […]